Kryštof Kulan

Attorney at law, Managing Partner


Kryštof completed his studies at the Faculty of Law of the Charles University in Prague. Before joining our law firm Kryštof briefly worked for another Czech law firm in Prague. Here he mainly focused on litigation, foreclosure and insolvency proceedings. At MAURIC JANÁK ZEITHAML s.r.o. advokátní kancelář Kryštof covers all the areas of the Czech law focusing mainly on business and tax law. Kryštof also oversees the legal services provided to our Spanish speaking clients and works closely with our accounting firm, providing consulting services in tax and fiscal matters. Kryštof also ensures the smooth transition and takeover over the accounting of the new clients of our accounting firm.



Czech, Spanish, English


MAURIC JANÁK ZEITHAML s.r.o. advokátní kancelář

Matoušova 515/12, 150 00 Praha 5